Legal Notice
The imprint of TU Dresden applies with the following amendments:
If you have any questions regarding content, please contact:
Prof. Jakob N. Kather
Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health
Technische Universität Dresden
DE – 01062 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 458-7558
Technical implementation:
Technische Universität Dresden
Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health
Fetscherstr. 74, 01307 Dresden
Public Relations
Anja Stübner
TU Dresden processes personal data within the framework of the use of the publicly accessible website ( only in the form of cookies, which are absolutely necessary exclusively for the provision of the service. This means specifically that no so-called tracking cookies are used to record or analyse user movements and the surfing behaviour of users of our site.
Legal basis
The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR.
Rights of data subjects
- You have the right to obtain information from TU Dresden on the data processed concerning you and/or to request the correction of inaccurate data.
- You have the right to erasure and restriction of processing as well as the right to object to the processing.
- You can contact TU Dresden’s Data Protection Officer at any time:
Technische Universität Dresden
Data Protection Officer
01062 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 463 32839
Fax : +49 351 463 39718
- You also have the right to appeal to the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of data concerning your person does not comply with the law. The supervisory authority for data protection is:
Saxon Data Protection Officer
Dr. Juliane Hundert
Devrientstraße 5
01067 Dresden
Phone: + 49 (0) 35185471 101
Note on data transfer to the USA and other third countries
Among other things, we use tools from companies based in the USA or other third countries that are not secure under data protection law. If these tools are active, your personal data may be transferred to these third countries and processed there. We would like to point out that no level of data protection comparable to that in the EU can be guaranteed in these countries. For example, US companies are obliged to hand over personal data to security authorities without you as a data subject being able to take legal action against this. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that U.S. authorities (e.g. intelligence agencies) may process, evaluate and permanently store your data located on U.S. servers for monitoring purposes. We have no influence on these processing activities.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.